c# WPF: TabControl and dynamic TabItems

wpf dynamic table

The role is retrieved from the ColumnTag that is assigned to the column when it was added. It displays a grid of cells that correspond to a collection of objects (rows) containing properties (columns). The number of objects in the collection (the collection count) will determine the number of rows in the grid.

Update collection of cell view models

Every DataSet table has a set of events that can be used to get notified on data modifications.. Its contents can be stored to an XML file, which is used as a persistence mechanism in this example. The data model of this sample consists of a User and a Role table, and a UserRole table that is the correlation table between the other two tables. An entry in the UserRole table means that the user (referenced by its user id) has a role assigned (referenced by the role’s id).

Grid with dynamic number of rows and columns

  1. You can also export charts to popular image formats like PNG and JPEG.
  2. Every DataSet table has a set of events that can be used to get notified on data modifications..
  3. The problem with this approach is that the user can’t add the same letter/column twice because of the Dictionary but you can Adapt and change the code to fit your needing.
  4. In Windows Presentation Foundation , the datagrid is a highly-adaptable control for displaying information in tables in your Windows desktop applications.

As an added bonus I added the functionality that the CheckBox control is not shown in the user data grid new item row. After control size is changed and number of rows and columns of grid are calculated, cell set is recreated, but state of cells are preserved. Then collection of cell view models is updated by asynchronous method. Method analyses https://traderoom.info/ necessary changes and remove or add rows and remove or add cell view models to rows. Asynchronous method allows to keep application responsible, and using cancellation token allows to cancel updating if control size is changed again. The DataView allows the modification, insertion and removal of rows and the prevention of these actions.

Grid Table in WPF

The user data grid column definition is stored in the UserRolesColumns collection. This means that the default columns, the user’s first and last name, have to be in this collection too. Two DataGridTextColumns are instantiated for the first and the last name, and the cell content are bound to the data row through the binding to the row’s respective fields. To use column-based grouping, you must bind the data grid to a CollectionView, and this is then bound to the data itself. You can define a CollectionViewSource in the window’s resources and choose a column to group the rows.

JSON is one of the most widely used data formats, but working with it can be challenging. In this section, we are going to see two ways data can be retrieved from a JSON string. Changing the SelectionMode to Single only allows the user to select a single item. The DataSet can be used together with database connections to store and retrieve data from SQL servers, etcetera. In this application, I use the persistence mechanism to store to and retrieve data from an XML file. Now you can edit, add or remove data from Flexgrid, which will dynamically update to the FlexChart.

How to create dynamic grid in WPF ? i mean create rows and columns based on Generic list

wpf dynamic table

The problem with this approach is that the user can’t add the same letter/column twice because of the Dictionary but you can Adapt and change the code to fit your needing. Simply replace the properties in bindings according to your own needs. The following examples show how to programmatically create a Table and populate it with content and add it to a FlowDocument in WPF. If you need WPF to populate datagrid, please refer to the following discussion on Microsoft’s Q&A blog. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

CanUserSortColumns – allows the user to sort the data in the table by clicking on column names. CanUserResizeColumns – allows the user to change the width of columns in the table. To find detailed explanations of each feature https://traderoom.info/displaying-data-in-tables-with-wpf-s-datagrid/ in the Charts control with code examples, refer to this documentation. In this first part, I focus on the solution of handling dynamic columns. For example, such a grid could be used in chess or checkers games for 8×8 field.

wpf dynamic table

The data grid control can handle the data manipulation using the DataView. Rows can be inserted, modified and removed in the data grid control and the data tables are directly updated through the DataView. The data grid control’s column property is declared as read-only, so it cannot be bound to a view model property.

This blog will show how to connect a FlexChart to a FlexGrid to create a bound MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) scenario similar to Microsoft Excel. Users can add, delete and modify items in FlexGrid, which will reflect in FlexChart. After setting , the final source code of  the MainWindow.XAML is given below. You can also export charts to popular image formats like PNG and JPEG.

wpf dynamic table

The ObjectTag itself is a DependencyProperty that can be attached to any type of control that is derived from DependencyObject. The data model of this sample consists of a User and a Role table, and a UserRole table that is the correlation table between the other two tables. An entry in the UserRole table means that the user has a role assigned (referenced by the role’s id). Changing the SelectionUnit to CellOrRowHeader allows individual cells to be selected by clicking them, and entire rows to be selected by clicking the row headers. IsReadOnly – when true, prevents the user from double-clicking a cell to edit its contents.

Next, six TableColumn objects are created and added to the table’s Columns collection, with some formatting applied. If you need dynamic columns, you should always use a DataTable as data source. This way you can avoid to build the DataGrid explicitly in C#/code-behind and instead use the auto-generation feature. This example defines three columns and binds them to the A, B, and C properties of the data object. Data can be visualized in different forms, like in a table/grid form or a graphical representation, for example.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a bar chart from the data table. With the JSON data converted into a data table, it is ready to be mapped into the WPF Charts control. You can now easily plot the values of the data table on different types of charts. The user input will always be a string of char, the table will always have 2 rows, the data will always be double. The number of columns changes depending on the length of the string that the user inputs.

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